Sep 15, 2008

PS3 media center finally working with mediatomb

Update: See this post ps3 mediacenter update

I finally have media tomb working with dvd/iso images and mkv files.
It took some time to understand the config file (which is a general issue with linux apps), since mediatomb can stream divx movies/mp3 files without transcoding, getting transcoding to work with vlc was trublesome, there are 4 settings that have to match.
First the mime type reported to the ps3 which only seems to accept video/mpeg.
Second the video codec of the transcoded stream, only mpgv seems to be accepted.
Third the audio stream had to be mpga, mp3 doesnt  seem to work
Finally the container of the streamed transcoded media which is ps

That's great because i could read that from most tutorials/blogs.
But to get transcoding to actually work the section of  mediatomb config file had to map to a profile that will transcode the file eg:

Here is my full config file: config.xml
And my transcode scripts (using vlc)
For dvd/iso images: mediatomb-transcode-video-iso

Sep 14, 2008

What a week!?!

Gee first of my monday was crappy (like all my mondays).
Tuesday i had a breakin in my car, they stole my gps, my ipod and my jacket??.. What a great start of the week!
11:45 it was announced that my boss Niels was fired (Linked in), which totally blows, cuz he was a really great boss!
When i got home i had an email from my server with kernel dump attached. I havent had a kernel dump since last time my server was breached! And guess what some noob tard script kiddie had tried to hack my server!
Anyways it took most of my evening to verify that he didnt succed, pheewww

The rest of the week was spend installing mediatomb on my server for my ps3. It mostly works, i can play mp3 and divx movies. but for some reason mkv movies and jpg images doesnt work :(
And im yet to figure out how to "transcode" iso images of dvd's with vlc.